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Order of the Jaguar Marigold

Unplug from the Matrix: Join a Brotherhood of Warrior-Therapist-Priests

Are you ready to break free from the digital illusion and reclaim your soul? In a world dominated by screens, algorithms, and artificial intelligence, too many men are trapped in a modern-day Matrix—a system designed to disconnect us from our true essence. This isn’t just about stepping away from mindless scrolling or shallow virtual connections. It’s about rediscovering the deepest part of yourself: your soul, the ancient psyche at the heart of psychology’s etymology. Welcome to a vision of a men’s community that uses the internet and AI only as tools for deep learning—and prepares those ready to unplug from the Matrix for a higher calling.

The Order of the Jaguar Marigold: A Sacred Brotherhood

Imagine a community where men gather not in virtual chat rooms, but in the flesh—face-to-face, heart-to-heart—building bonds that defy the Antichristian and Luciferian artifices of our age. These forces, cloaked as transhumanism, materialism, and soulless technology, seek to erode our humanity and sever our connection to the divine. The Order of the Jaguar Marigold (OJM) stands as a counterforce, a brotherhood rooted in sacred beauty, holy community, and courageous service.

OJM isn’t just another men’s group. It’s a psycho-spiritual movement that fuses Christian mysticism, depth psychology, neuropsychoanalysis, and complex trauma theory into a transformative mentorship. Here, men are initiated into a new vocation: warrior-therapist-priests. This isn’t a title—it’s a way of being. It’s a spiritual evolution that integrates body, mind, and soul, forging men who are strong enough to stand against the principalities of darkness and wise enough to heal a broken world.

Why the Matrix Must Fall

In The Matrix, humanity is enslaved by a simulated reality, blind to the truth of their captivity. Today, that simulation is the endless scroll of the internet, the seductive hum of AI promising convenience at the cost of our humanity. We’ve been conditioned to trade real connection for likes, to surrender our psyche—our soul—to a machine. But just as Neo awoke to the truth, so can you. The Order of the Jaguar Marigold is your red pill: a call to unplug, to step out of the virtual prison, and to reclaim your God-given purpose.

The internet and AI aren’t evil—they’re tools. OJM harnesses them for deep learning, diving into the wisdom of the ages and the science of the mind. But we reject their dominion. Virtual groups can’t replace the power of men standing shoulder-to-shoulder, breathing the same air, sharing the same fire. In-person gatherings are non-negotiable, open us up to the nuances of nonverbal communication, and all of our sentience (the consciousness of the five senses)—more importantly, they cannot be manipulated by insidious algorithms or pierced by of the panopticon’s cyber-eye. They’re where we counter the isolating artifices of the enemy and rebuild what’s been lost.


At the heart of OJM lies a radical calling: warrior-therapist-priests. These are men who embody strength, healing, and holiness in equal measure.

  • Warriors: Trained for spiritual warfare, they defend against destructive ideologies like transhumanism, materialism, and narcissistic humanism that threaten our humanity.

  • Therapists: Grounded in depth psychology, complex trauma theory, and affective neuroscience, they mend the wounds of the psyche—because the soul is the root of true power through Christ.

  • Priests: Steeped in Christian mysticism, they serve as conduits of divine beauty and sacred responsibility, guiding others toward their own divine purpose.

This holistic training strengthens your connection to yourself, your brothers, and the world. It’s not just self-improvement—it’s a divine mission. OJM prepares you to stand firm in a culture that’s crumbling, to wield both sword and salve, to lead with courage and compassion.

Why Soul Matters

The word “psychology” comes from the Greek psyche, meaning “soul.” Yet modern systems have stripped this truth away, reducing us to data points and dopamine hits. OJM restores the soul to its rightful place. Through the syncretism of neuropsychoanalysis and spiritual practice, we reconnect the mind and spirit, undoing the damage of a Luciferian agenda that seeks to dehumanize us. This isn’t abstract philosophy—it’s a battle for our very essence, fought in the real world, not behind screens.

Join the Brotherhood

The Order of the Jaguar Marigold elevates brotherhood into a divine responsibility. We’re not here to escape reality but to boldly engage with it, to build a community that thrives on sacred beauty, holy connection, and courageous service. If you’re ready to unplug from the Matrix, to use technology only as a tool for deep learning, and to join a brotherhood of warrior-therapist-priests, then OJM is calling you.

Step out of the shadows. Meet us in person. The soul of man isn’t meant for a virtual cage—it’s meant for the fight, the fire, and the fellowship. Take the red pill. Join us.

Five white robed crusader priests.

Holy Community

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.

​—1 Peter 2:9

​In a world where the digital realm often isolates and enslaves, sacred community serves as a divine antidote, offering the transformative power of human connection. Grounded in the ancient truth found in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them,” sacred community activates the Relating Function, a dynamic exchange between the self-aware ego (Dominant Ego) and the deeper, instinctual layers of the psyche (The Instinctual Conscious). Relating bridges our inner worlds with the collective, fostering authentic connections that break the chains of cyber-slavery that have dissociated us from ourselves and engagement with life. Through sacred community, we unlock the power to heal wounds, transcend egoic limitations, and experience the profound healing of the Enlightened Witness, who sees, hears, and validates the deepest parts of our being. Like the Knight-Therapist-Priest, initiated into divine realms of transformation, sacred community becomes a living technology for spiritual and psychological evolution—one that leads us back to the wholeness and compassion of Christ.

Engaging with Men’s Groups: OJM’s Depth Approach to Spiritual Evolution

Jaguar Marigold Mother

Dream of the Jaguar Marigold

Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice? I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.  When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water.

—Proverbs 8:1,23-24

I had a dream that Jung would undoubtedly call a "big dream"—one that carries a transformative message, rich with archetypal symbols infused with numinous power, speaking to the divine mystery. Jung believed all humans share a deep psychological inheritance of archetypal imagery, and from this mysterious realm the big dream rises to the surface, revealing profound truths about both the individual and humanity.

In my dream, I found myself buried alive in a tomb at the bottom of the ocean. Suddenly, three thunderous sonic waves reverberated through the water, shaking the very foundations of the ocean. With the third powerful boom, I was instantly transported to the top of a hill under a starless and moonless sky.

The dark, grassy mound beneath me began to swell and rise, slowly forming into the shape of a tall, robed woman, enshrouded in the pitch of night. From the earth around her, golden jaguar marigolds began to bloom spontaneously, their vibrant petals creeping up the lower third of her deep purple robe, almost black in the darkness. Each bloom seemed to glow with an inner light.

Though I couldn’t discern the details of her face, there was a vast, mysterious depth within the shadowed folds of her cowl and robe—an expansive, unknowable presence.

As the golden blooms continued to rise up her robe, each one transformed into a monarch butterfly, fluttering gracefully around her.

The blossoms began to sprout from her cowl as well, but now, they shifted into golden stars, floating upwards into the void of the sky, slowly filling the night with their radiant glow.

From her chest, a son rose— It spiraled upward, a swirling, iridescent rainbow of power, glowing with a force of creation.

The Need for Sacred Thought: Unlocking Creativity, Connection, and Purpose through Spiritual Language

Crusader knight's arm in platemail armor

Ordaining Leaders

[Christ] hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

—Revelation 5:10

The Knight-Therapist-Priest is a soul initiated into the sacred order of divine purpose, transcending the boundaries of earthly decay to embody the eternal light of God’s Kingdom. Sealed through the transformative power of spiritual metamorphosis, this vocation merges the sacred calling of the priesthood with the valiant spirit of the knight and the healing wisdom of the therapist. Guided by the ancient Melchizedekian blessing and the divine protection symbolized in Revelation, they embody the "already but not yet" reality of God's Kingdom—simultaneously an agent of healing in the present and a witness to the eschatological fulfillment of God's reign. As kings and priests unto God, they cultivate an instinctual consciousness that leads to a dynamic, transformative relationship with the world, guiding others through the liminal spaces of self-transformation into the Holy City of God. Through creative evolution and spiritual awakening, the Knight-Therapist-Priest stands as a powerful force of healing and divine presence, nurturing the collective ascent toward an immanent and higher existence.

#1 How the DSM-5 Ignores Complex PTSD and Why It Matters | Psychology Doesn’t Heal Complex Trauma Series

#2 Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Trauma Recovery | Psychology Doesn’t Heal Complex Trauma Series

#3 Understanding Complex Trauma and Its Impact | Psychology Doesn’t Heal Complex Trauma Series

#8 Unlocking Instinctual Energy and Achieving Wholeness in Trauma Recovery | Psychology Doesn’t Heal Complex Trauma Series

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