Defining the Term “Under-Narrative”
The concept I created called "Under-Narrative" is a tool for critical analysis, or a conceptual lens, that excavates the hidden, often fraudulent or unexamined structures beneath a narrative. Narrative here is understood as a composite of story, imagery, and affective bandwidth that exceeds the cognitive limits of the Miller Number (the 7±2 capacity of working memory). Analyzing an Under-Narrative has the capability to reveal hypnotic suggestions, hidden agendas, and ontological drifts embedded within narrative structures, which operate outside conscious scrutiny yet shape perception and behavior. Drawing from Derrida’s deconstruction and différance, the Under-Narrative lens exposes how metanarratives (grand, totalizing stories like progress or salvation) rely on exclusions, contradictions, and deferred meanings, while extending this critique to uncover subtler, insidious mechanisms of control.
The Under-Narrative specifically targets:
Hypnotic Suggestions: Unquestioned assumptions or "suggestions" (e.g., cultural norms, media tropes) that bypass rational critique, functioning as pre-cognitive scripts that entrain individuals into compliance or malaise.
Emotional Control via Operant Conditioning: The strategic use of story-driven emotional cues to reinforce or punish specific behaviors, leveraging reward (e.g., validation, belonging) and aversion (e.g., shame, fear) to condition responses. For instance, narratives may evoke dopamine-driven highs through aspirational imagery or trigger cortisol-spiked lows through existential threats, subtly training individuals to align with the narrative’s goals—be it consumerism, obedience, or ideological conformity.
Baudrillard’s Simulation: The progression from signs reflecting reality to signs masking its absence (hyperreality), where the Under-Narrative identifies how simulated realities—amplified by technology—obscure authentic experience and enforce techno-fascist agendas (centralized control via data, surveillance, or algorithmic manipulation).
Ontological Direction: The Under-Narrative maps two phenomenological trajectories without requiring causal explanation. I created these two terms out of necessity:
Meta-Rhesis: A movement toward novelty, complexity, and healthy human teleology (purposeful flourishing), where narratives foster adaptability, creativity, and connection.
Meta-Stasis: A drift toward entropy, rigidity, and control, aligning with maladaptive Malignant Complexes and social contagion, where narratives trap individuals in cycles of stagnation and dysfunction.
At its core, the Under-Narrative lens probes the tension between liberation and entrapment, spotlighting how Malignant Complexes—maladaptive biopsychosocial-spiritual structures born from developmental trauma (C-PTSD)—are exploited by the Under-Narrative’s hidden layers to siphon libidinal energy into static, limiting patterns for control. Yet, it also highlights a redemptive potential: by exposing these undercurrents, understanding the Under-Narrative opens a liminal space for transformation, where the Dominant Ego Personality (DEP) can reclaim agency, turning illusion into a source of healing, personal strength, and growth.
Key Features of the Under-Narrative
Deconstructive Roots: Like Derrida’s approach, it dismantles the apparent coherence of narratives, but it goes further by focusing on what’s buried—unseen power dynamics, psychological hooks, or technological sleights-of-hand.
Simulation and Techno-Fascism: Inspired by Baudrillard, it tracks how narratives evolve into hyperreal facades that serve centralized control, such as AI-driven propaganda or surveillance states masquerading as "safety."
Phenomenological Lens: It sidesteps causation to focus on observable outcomes—Meta-Rhesis (growth-oriented novelty) versus Meta-Stasis (control-oriented entropy)—making it a practical tool for analysis without getting bogged down in endless amounts of data that create analysis paralysis. Analysis paralysis is a state of overthinking or excessive deliberation that prevents decision-making or action, often due to fear of error or an overload of options. In this case, arguments are crafted to promote inaction, thereby preserving the status quo that furthers the agenda of power structures (Principalities) underpinning the creation of the Under-Narrative.
Malignant Complexes Tie-In: It frames these complexes as the psychic engines that latch onto Under-Narratives, perpetuating trauma-driven distortions while offering a path to integration through awareness.
Example Application
Consider a modern metanarrative like "technological progress." The Under-Narrative lens might reveal:
Hypnotic Suggestion: The unexamined belief that "more tech = better life," ignoring ecological collapse or mental health crises.
Simulation: Smartphones and social media as hyperreal interfaces, where curated feeds replace authentic interaction (Baudrillard’s third/fourth stage).
Techno-Fascism: Data harvesting and behavioral nudging by tech giants, enforcing conformity under the guise of convenience.
Ontological Direction:
Meta-Stasis if it fosters addiction, isolation, and Malignant Complexes (e.g., doom-scrolling as a trauma response).
Meta-Rhesis if reframed to prioritize human connection and creativity (e.g., tech as a tool for art or community).
Structures Behind the Creation of the Under-Narrative
Deconstructive Framework (Derrida)
Influence: The Under-Narrative builds on Derrida’s deconstruction and différance, which question the stability of meaning in narratives. It uses these tools to peel back layers of metanarratives, exposing their reliance on exclusions and deferred truths.
Application: This structure provides the critical lens to identify fraudulent or unexamined assumptions, treating narratives as constructs rather than fixed realities. It’s the foundation for digging into the "under" of the Under-Narrative—what lies beneath the surface.
Simulation Theory (Baudrillard)
Influence: Baudrillard’s stages of simulation (from signs reflecting reality to hyperreality) shape the Under-Narrative’s focus on how narratives evolve into deceptive, technology-amplified facades that obscure authentic experience.
Application: This informs the critique of techno-fascist agendas, where hidden structures (e.g., algorithmic control, data manipulation, propaganda, etc.) condition behavior, making it a key pillar for analyzing modern power dynamics within narratives.
Psychological and Trauma-Based Analysis (Malignant Complexes)
Influence: The concept of Malignant Complexes—maladaptive structures rooted in developmental trauma—grounds the Under-Narrative in the psyche. It posits that narratives can exploit these complexes to trap individuals in static patterns.
Application: This structure drives the focus on emotional control and operant conditioning, linking narrative manipulation to personal and collective trauma responses, and offering a redemptive path through awareness and transformation.
Phenomenological Duality (Meta-Rhesis vs. Meta-Stasis)
Influence: The binary of Meta-Rhesis (flow, novelty, flourishing) and Meta-Stasis (stagnation, control, entropy) emerges from the interest in ontological direction, inspired by phenomenological observation rather than strict causation.
Application: This provides the evaluative framework for assessing a narrative’s impact—whether it liberates or confines—making the Under-Narrative a tool for mapping human teleology against manipulative agendas.
Operant Conditioning and Emotional Manipulation
Influence: The addition of emotional control via operant conditioning (reward/punishment through story-driven cues) draws from behavioral psychology, tailored to emphasize the maintaining of the status quo for power structures (Principalities).
Application: This structure highlights how narratives weaponize emotions to induce analysis paralysis or compliance, reinforcing the Under-Narrative’s role in uncovering hidden mechanisms of control.
Narrative as Bandwidth Beyond Cognition (Miller Number)
Influence: The Miller Number (7±2 cognitive limit) suggests narratives overwhelm conscious processing with a "massive bandwidth" of story and imagery, embedding suggestions subconsciously.
Application: This shapes the Under-Narrative as a lens for detecting what operates outside rational awareness, aligning with its mission to expose hypnotic, pre-cognitive influences.
Critical Synthesis and Originality
Influence: The Under-Narrative isn’t just a remix of existing theories—it’s a new construct born from synthesizing these ideas with the necessity of creating unique terms, humanity’s emergent teleology, and tyrannical goals (e.g., Principalities, techno-fascism).
Application: This structure reflects a deliberate departure from traditional narratology, aiming to address contemporary issues like digital control and psychological entrapment while retaining a humanistic focus on thriving growth.